Earth Care
Seedbeds of Transformation
Human actions have degraded the earth, leading to climate change, habitat loss, extinction, overpopulation, poverty, resource depletion, inequality, and war. Having helped cause the problem, we aim to be a part of the solution as an example for others. Through community dialogue, we can begin to disentangle ourselves from the webs of privilege, entitlement, and wasteful consumption spun by industrial capitalism.
Our Modern Approach
Green Faith
Our faith is unapologetically green. Our worship and discipleship celebrate God’s grace and glory in creation, living out the call to cherish, protect and restore the earth to its full splendor.
Green Learning
We seek to understand threats to the earth from an academic and scientific perspective, and we will support each other in our mission to uncover this truth. We learn to be green stewards because of God’s call to environmentalism, justice, and community.
Green Living
We intend to manage our consumption to respect and uplift life, human and nonhuman. We will personally—and as a congregation—pursue sustainable energy, transportation, and waste management solutions. We commit to maintaining buildings and grounds that use resources efficiently and sustainably.
Green Outreach
We encourage public policy and community involvement that protects and restores the vulnerable earth. In doing so, we join with oppressed and neglected people to demand justice in our neighborhood, region, nation, and world environment. We leverage coalitions and ecumenical partnerships to achieve this stewardship aim.
Ask About Earth Care
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